I am thinking of a two digit number between 30 and 40 that is both an even number and a multiple of 8. Can you guess the number? As elementary teachers we have all played these fun games with students and are pleased when they work out the correct answer.
Read MoreIn the world of public education vocabulary – terminology and words often possess multiple definitions and/or subjective definitions hat all too often result in ambiguity and misunderstanding in conveying actions. There are many words and terms all educators use to subjectively describe a condition or a thing in public education, and of course, I am just as guilty as the next person. I am aware when I use common education words it means something different to my spouse, also a principal, than it does to me.
Read MoreWhen I was in my late teens, I worked part-time at nights and weekends in a grocery store while attending university. One of my nightly tasks at the store where I worked was cleaning and preparing whole chickens and placing them end to end on spits, so they were ready for cooking the next day. Each spit held 5 whole chickens and since there were six spits, I cleaned and prepared 30 chickens each night. One evening, the night manager came into the meat room where I was working and stated, “You sure are fast at cleaning chickens.”
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